We don’t bow to threats, Nicosia responds to Cavusoglu


‘We will not succumb to provocations’, the Cyprus government stressed, noting it will continue efforts at achieving a solution of the Cyprus issue in accordance with international law.

This was the riposte by spokesman Kyriakos Pelekanos to remarks by Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu who held talks with Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar, during an illegal visit to the occupied territories.

Pelekanos made clear that Nicosia will continue to make representations against the other side’s provocations and stance, particularly their unacceptable demand at recognition of equal sovereign rights.

‘Such stance continues with Cavusoglu’s illegal visit’, the government spokesman added.

Pelekanos stressed that the Greek Cypriot side will not bow down to any threats, also witnessing the fact that the majority of ‘our Turkish Cypriot compatriots are also reacting to Ankara’s flagrant effort at bringing the occupied territories under its complete control’.

Nicosia noted its determination to continue efforts until the current deadlock is overturned and the Cyprus issue is back on settlement wheels, based on Security Council resolutions, high level agreements, the convergences achieved thus far and the European acquis.

‘A solution to the benefit of all Cyprus Republic citizens, with anachronistic third party guarantees and foreign troops’.

In their talks, both Tatar and Cavusoglu reiterated their position on a two state solution, demanding sovereign equality.