Scientific findings on climate change in the region to be presented during Cyprus International Conference

The findings of the Regional Scientific Task Forces appointed in the framework of the Cyprus Government Initiative on climate crisis, will be presented and debated during the 2nd International Conference on climate change in the Eastern Meditteranean and the Middle East to take place 13-14 October in Paphos, Cyprus.

The Conference, following the 2018 Conference on the island, will attract leading policy makers, scientists, prominent business people, key civil society stakeholders, and opinion-leaders from around the world.

In May 2018, the Cyprus Institute hosted the 1st International Conference “Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges and Solutions”, under the Aegis of the President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades, which was attended by more than 300 delegates from 35 countries. The scientists focused on 13 topics and gathered their findings to be presented at the Conference, providing policy makers with tangible, effective and costed solutions, actions and measures.

The Conference will be addressed by Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades, Laurent Fabius , President of the Constitutional Council of France, Prince bin Tala  of Jordan, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network and EU Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevicius.

During a press conference Wednesday, the main objectives of the Conference were presented.

Professor Costas Papanikolas of the Cyprus Institute which co-organizes the Conference, who serves as a presidential advisor on climate issues, said that there can`t be no prediction on the end of the crisis, on the contrary future does not look good.

He said that the media have a role to play in raising awareness and informing the public on the issue.

Professor Papanikolas said that the Conference is of utmost importance for Cyprus and its scientific community which is acknowledged internationally. He went on to say that Cyprus assumed the initiative to gather together the countries of the region for cooperation and coordination, pointing out that the countries have a population equal to the EU population and the emissions they produce is almost as much as the ones in the EU.

He said that the measures proposed by the scientists are documented and offer effective and fiscally viable solutions.

These findings will be presented at the COP Conference in Glasgow in November.

Environment Minister Costas Kadis said that climate crisis is the biggest challenge the world is faced with and the countries who gathered together under the Cyprus initiative, have also signed the Paris Agreement on Climate, therefore the goals to be met are set. He said that because most of these countries of the region have their own particularities, the challenges will be bigger but the measures to be presented by the scientists are effective and can be implemented and meet the challenges the region is faced with.

Kadis said that an action plan will be concluded within 3 months and will be finalized at a Ministerial Conference in February. This plan is set to be ratified by the leaders of the countries of the region at a Summit in the summer or Fall of 2022.

Deputy Minister of Research Kyriakos Kokkinos said that Cyprus is becoming a pioneer country in the region with a leading role adding that the government shows its political will and determination to take action on climate crisis.
He said that measures and solutions are given and Cyprus can be funded by EU fiscal programs such a Horizon Europe or the Resilient and Recovery Fund for programs on smart cities, RES, circular economy etc.

He also called on the press to take action to raise awareness and added that issues related to environment and climate crisis can generate jobs and new entrepreneur opportunities.