Satellite tv for pc pictures present Russian troops close to Chernobyl, shelling aftermath

Satellite tv for pc pictures from BlackSky present Russian army equipment driving previous the Chernobyl energy plant and the aftermath of shelling close to Kharkiv.

Putin launched what he known as a particular army operation on Thursday (February 24), ignoring weeks of Western warnings and saying the “neo-Nazis” ruling Ukraine threatened Russia’s safety – a cost Kyiv and Western governments say is baseless propaganda.

Russia’s assault is the most important on a European state since World Warfare Two and threatens to upend the continent’s post-Chilly Warfare order.

A U.S. defence official stated Ukraine’s forces had been placing up “very decided resistance” to the three-pronged Russian advance that has despatched a whole bunch of 1000’s of Ukrainians fleeing westwards, clogging main highways and railway traces.
