Red forest fire alert remains in place as hot conditions surge


A red alert on forest fires will remain in place tomorrow August 2, the forestry department said in a statement, reminding everyone that lighting a fire without permission is a criminal offence and according to the Forest legislation of 2012, is punishable by ten years in prison, a 50 thousand fine or both sentences.

The Prevention of Fires in the Countryside legislation of 1988, calls for 5 years in prison, a 20 thousand euro fine or both sentences concurrently.

The lighting of fires for food preparation is only allowed at designated picnic areas.

The forestry department appeals to the public to refrain from activities and actions that may lead to a fire, such as the use of tools or agricultural machinery producing heat, sparks or a flame, welding for example.

If you see smoke or fire, please call 1407 (forestry department) or 112 (fire service).