Pyla-Arsos road has 550 metres to finish, discussions underway

The road from Arsos to Pyla has 550 metres left to complete the works, the ‘mayor’ or Pergamos said on Tuesday.

According to ‘mayor’ Bulent Bebek said that negotiations are underway with Greek Cypriot side over the issue.

The road caused huge controversy in Cyprus, when Turkish Cypriots attacked UN soldiers in the buffer zone back in August.

Since then, a mutual understanding was reached between the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots separately with the UN peacekeeping force (Unficyp).

However, things were halted after the Turkish Cypriot side complained the Greek Cypriot side was violating the terms of the understanding.

On Tuesday, Bebek stepped in and said that another 550 metres are left to construct the road, with discussions taking place with the Greek Cypriot side on the issue.