Opinion: Two years of struggle for the Ukrainian people

By Ruslan Nimchynskyi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Cyprus

Two years ago, on the 24th of February in 2022, Russia started a full-scale invasion, and brutal assault against Ukraine, making no distinction between military forces and civilians.

Putin’s strategy to swiftly seize and control Ukraine within a matter of days or weeks ultimately faltered. His attempts to capture Kyiv proved fruitless.

Moscow’s assessments, presuming our vulnerability, Ukraine’s passive resistance, and the international community’s indifference to Russia’s military aggression and territorial ambitions, were proven futile.

Contrary to the grim forecasts, the resilient and valiant Ukrainians have stood in solidarity, steadfastly progressing towards the victory. Despite enduring two years of the Kremlin’s bloodshed and terror, Ukraine has not only persevered but has also retaliated, liberating more than half of the recently occupied territories.

Furthermore, the Ukrainian defense forces have dismantled Russia’s naval blockade in the Black Sea by incapacitating nearly a third of the Russian Black Sea fleet and forming a global coalition in support of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian people have consistently pursued peace, shunning any inclination for conflict. Over the span of eight years, we thwarted the aggressive attempts of the Russian Federation, ardently hoping that diplomatic negotiations within the Minsk process and the Normandy format would dissuade further hostilities. Between 2014 and 2022, Ukraine and Russia engaged in approximately 200 rounds of peace talks across various formats, with agreements reached on 20 ceasefires. However, Russia shattered the peace facade in February 2022 by instigating a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The pivotal lesson we learned from the past two years is that the absence of a resolute response to Russia’s aggression in 2014 was perceived by the Russian Federation as a manifestation of weakness, consequently emboldening further belligerence.

This period has debunked Moscow’s fallacious assumptions regarding our resilience, Ukraine’s resistance, and the international community’s apathy towards Russia’s military incursion and territorial annexation attempts. Ukraine has unequivocally demonstrated its readiness to confront the Russian aggressor, while the global community has showcased its capacity to unify in supporting Ukraine and upholding the established global security framework predicated on rules.

Regrettably, Russia has demonstrated no intention towards halting its armed aggression, withdrawing its occupying forces from Ukraine, or pursuing diplomatic avenues. Putin persists in deploying thousands of troops, harboring aspirations for even marginal victories prior to his sham “elections” in March. Moreover, Russia continues launching missile and drone assaults on peaceful Ukrainian cities, resulting in civilian casualties and the devastation of critical infrastructure.

The belligerent rhetoric emanating from Moscow routinely menaces other European nations. Those who harbor doubts regarding Russia’s audacity to target other European countries or to challenge Article 5 of NATO need only reflect on their skepticism preceding Putin’s unabated invasion of Ukraine. Extending support to Ukraine and facilitating our victory represents the most effective means of averting a broader conflict in Europe. Whatever the cost of supporting Ukraine is, the cost of dealing with the global crisis if Ukraine does not win will be enormously higher.

Another lesson underscored over the past two years is that unity and determination are indispensable in thwarting aggressors. History attests that appeasement has never worked, and it never will. As we approach the two-year of full-scale aggression looms, the resounding message is one of unwavering belief in Ukraine and unwavering support. Our collective ethos emphasizes unity and resilience in the face of tyranny and terror. Normalizing aggression in the 21st century is an untenable proposition; thus, concerted efforts must be marshaled to restore equitable peace.

Every civilized nation shares a vested interest in upholding international law and prioritizing cooperation over conflict. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine epitomizes the bloodiest conflict Europe has witnessed in 80 years. Putin’s Machiavellian agenda seeks to redraw geopolitical boundaries, rewrite historical narratives, and undermine the established framework of international relations based on rules.

Ukraine’s allies and partners must exert every conceivable effort to sustain their support and bring this senseless war to an end, not solely for those fighting for peace today but also for future generations.

It is imperative to recognize that curtailing military assistance to Ukraine will only embolden Russia’s delusions of achieving a military triumph, thereby perpetuating the cycle of violence. Abandoning Ukraine to fend for itself would invariably play into Russia’s hands, facilitating Putin’s triumph at the expense of untold suffering and perpetuating further aggression.

It behooves the global community to acknowledge that “peace at any price” is not acceptable for Ukraine. History bears witness to the dire consequences of appeasing dictators. What Ukraine espouses is a comprehensive, equitable, and enduring peace, grounded in the precepts of international law. The Peace Formula, an initiative comprising ten principles, encapsulates Ukraine’s vision for restoring the rules-based global order, aligning with the interests of states that uphold the UN Charter’s Purposes and Principles.

The tenets of the Peace Formula encompass not only the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the withdrawal of Russian forces but also broader imperatives such as food and energy security, environmental preservation, nuclear safety, justice restoration, and repatriation of prisoners and deportees, among other provisions.

In a world fraught with uncertainty, the Peace Formula emerges as the only pragmatic peace initiative. We urge all nations committed to upholding the UN Charter and honoring international law to unite in its implementation.

Presently, efforts are underway to convene a Global Peace Summit, aimed at deliberating on subsequent measures to elaborate joint frameworks for peace, thereby stemming Russia’s aggressive war against Ukraine. The summit must serve as a beacon of global unity, underscoring the sanctity of peace, respect for internationally recognized borders, and the primacy of law over brute force.

In conclusion, Ukraine and the free world stand at a pivotal juncture, wherein solidarity and concerted action are imperative. The stakes are profound, extending beyond the immediate peace advocates to shape the trajectory of future generations.

Together to Victory!

Glory to Ukraine!

Ruslan Nimchynskyi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Cyprus