One in ten women live in extreme poverty -UN

One in ten women live in extreme poverty globally, the United Nations (UN) reported on Friday.

“International Women’s Day is a day that encourages us to recognise the injustices women endure, as well as the commitment we have to create a society where gender equality is part of our reality,” the law commissioner office committee said in a statement.

The office plays a key role in monitoring Cyprus’s compliance with international human rights conventions, including those focused on women’s rights.

As part of this responsibility, the office prepares and submits periodic reports to relevant UN committees. In February 2025, the office was invited to submit the 9th Periodic Report on the Republic’s efforts to eliminate discrimination against women, in line with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) to the UN.

This report will highlight progress made in various areas, emphasizing equality between men and women across political, economic, social, and cultural spheres.

In a statement, gender equality commissioner Josie Christodoulou emphasized the importance of informing women about their rights and encouraged them to assert themselves, particularly in instances of discrimination.

She called attention to different forms of discrimination and exampled inaccessible employment, ignorance, verbal and sexual harassment, and maternity protection.

Additionally, she underlined the five key points presented by UN’s women’s day initiative “Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress” which includes the investment towards women, an end to poverty, the implementation of equal pay, the transition into a green economy and support of feminists who make a change to society.

“Regardless of political beliefs, thousands of women in Cyprus have united their voices and fought important battles for us to have the position we have today in our society, economy and political life,” she said paying tribute to the impact of the women that paved the way for her.

“The main challenge remains the continuous effort to change our culture and break stereotypes,” Christodoulou said in a statement, adding that all levels of education to the public is crucial to rid the mindsets that stands in the way of women’s equal roles in society.