Kanari stresses need for strategic healthcare planning

Health Minister Popi Kanari on Thursday stressed the need for comprehensive strategic planning and actions in healthcare, particularly focusing on mechanisms ensuring systematic supervision, recording, and evaluation.

Speaking at a press conference on the capacity planning in the healthcare sector in Cyprus, a project, co-funded by the EU, she underlined the significance of establishing specific processes, assessment tools, and mechanisms for data collection, analysis, and interpretation.

“Capacity planning evaluates and timely plans the healthcare system’s capabilities to effectively meet current and future population health needs while ensuring sufficient resources,” Kanari said.

“Systematically recording healthcare workforce, training, infrastructure, health indices, and system efficiency allows targeted actions to address healthcare issues comprehensively,” she added.

The director general for structural reform support at the European Commission Mario Nava, who also attended the event, acknowledged the three-year collaboration with Cyprus’ health ministry on the project.

He stressed the importance of capacity planning in ensuring high-quality healthcare services for patients while optimising often limited resources. Nava commended the EU’s support, enabling Cyprus to align its existing and future population needs with necessary resources like workforce, tools, and facilities.

“This project allows Cyprus’ health ministry to craft legislation catering to all healthcare aspects, enhancing supervision and control,” Nava said, adding that Cypriots, like other EU citizens, view healthcare reforms as necessary.

“With radical healthcare reforms underway, the ministry is actively bolstering its role in health policy development and systematic assessment of the country’s healthcare capabilities to tackle evolving health challenges effectively.”

Project leader Antonis Kontemeniotis then detailed the assessment’s preliminary outcomes, indicating potential medical staff shortages by the next five years.

“Efforts to develop regulatory frameworks, quality standards, and data collection mechanisms are underway, aiming to improve healthcare service quality and accessibility,” he said.

The project also targets healthcare workforce optimisation and technology integration for comprehensive health data analysis.

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