Finance minister denies possibility of misuse of Gesy funds

Finance Minister Makis Keravnos categorically denied on Friday the complaints made by the patient’s association regarding the potential misuse of Gesy’s funds earmarked for healthcare.

The patients’ association (Osak) had expressed concerns a day earlier, suggesting that discussions within the Health Insurance Organisation (HIO) revealed risks that someone could “put a hand” in and interfere with Gesy’s funds.

Osak Chairman Charalambos Papadopoulos said this would never be tolerated and underlined that currently, legislation is in place that restricts the use of Gesy’s financials only for healthcare purposes. However, Osak’s concern is that “with the creation of a huge reserve, others will be inspired to move forward with a legal amendment allowing these funds to be used for other purposes.”

In response to Osak’s criticism on Friday, Keravnos dismissed their concerns, stating that the group entertained a “sick fantasy” that the funds could be diverted anywhere other than Gesy.

He pointed out that the Gesy was a societal victory, with the goal of modernising the state health services organisation (Okypy) and the health insurance organisation (HIO), in order to ensure a satisfactory level of health care within the state’s budget framework.

However, Keravnos said that while the relevant budget is increasing, the level of services provided is decreasing, adding that the government is concerned about the possibility of mismanagement.

He said while there is legislation for the gradual autonomy of public hospitals, this is not being implemented.

Additionally, Keravnos pointed out that audited accounts from HIO have not been submitted yet. Earlier this month, he emphasized that the focus should be on improving productivity rather than expanding the workforce.