Employers will be automatically informed of employees’ asylum status

The Ministry of Labour has completed upgrading its information system and connecting it to the Ministry of Interior’s database.

The automated notification of employers regarding the capabilities and limitations of asylum seekers to access the labor market is now fully operational, as announced by the Ministry of Labour.

In this context, mechanisms for informing citizens and preventing the commencement or continuation of the employment of third-country nationals who do not meet the conditions to work have already been implemented through the Ergani information system.

Specifically, employers hiring asylum seekers whose applications are rejected are automatically informed via email.

Furthermore, employers attempting to hire asylum seekers cannot complete the relevant process if the application for international protection has already been rejected or if nine months have not elapsed since its submission.

Additionally, for asylum seekers entitled to employment, the available registration options in the software system are limited to the professions included in the relevant decree.

“The use of technology for the immediate information of employers on issues related to the employment of asylum seekers will significantly reduce persistent problems arising from inadequate information. It is included in the government’s plan for the effective management of challenges and the rational staffing of the labor market with third-country nationals through appropriate procedures,” the announcement concludes.

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