Donated book withdrawn after parents complain

An unspecified book, the content of which sparked controversy and was among 50 donated by the parents association, has been withdrawn from a kindergarten in Nicosia, it emerged on Tuesday.

Speaking to the Cyprus News Agency (CNA) about complaints regarding materials provided to kindergarten students, director of primary education at the education ministry Marios Stylianides confirmed that the book was indeed withdrawn following parents’ objections.

He added that the particular kindergarten received a donation of 50 books last year from the parents association.

It seems that among the 50 books was the one that sparked controversy,” he said.

“Back in September 2023, the kindergarten initiated a lending library programme for children to take some of the books home, meaning each child would take home a book for a few days to read with their parents.

“There was a reaction from a mother regarding this particular book, and the school withdrew it when these protests arose,” Stylianides explained.

He then reiterated that an investigation into the specific complaints was carried out.

It seems that the school did not thoroughly check the books to see if there was anything that could have been avoided,” Stylianides continued.

“They gave it out, and when there was a protest, they removed it.”

Stylianides explained that many schools purchase books to enhance their libraries, which encourages children to take books at home.

“There is nothing suspicious here,” he said. “It seems this book caused issues, but it has been withdrawn.”