Archbishop urges redefining goals and unity in Christmas message

In his Christmas message, Archbishop Georgios underscored the long-standing hope of Cypriot Hellenism for peace firmly grounded in justice.

He emphasised the need for Cyprus to reposition itself – to address the invasion and occupation as core issues – and redefine goals and aspirations.

The archbishop, during the Divine Liturgy of Christmas, stated that understanding the messages of God’s incarnation is crucial to awake Greek Cypriots “from the national lethargy into which we have fallen.”

He pointed out that Christ’s teachings allowed today’s people of Cyprus to realise “that they degrade human dignity” and suffer “personal and national humiliations when, under the conqueror’s restrictions, they enter and exit the occupied territories.”

Moreover, he added that constant concessions do not appease the conqueror, nor do they lead to a solution, contending that the ultimate and unchanging goal of Turkey remained “the occupation and Turkification of the entire Cyprus,” evident in constantly asserted new claims, ongoing colonisation, and provocations in the buffer zone.

He called for the Cyprus problem to be reframed as an issue of occupation and invasion to restart talks.

The archbishop emphasised that joint efforts of Cyprus and Greece, along with Greeks worldwide, should aim to secure for the Cypriot people the same freedom of movement and settlement enjoyed by other Europeans. Specifically, the right to return to their homes and properties.