Tatar moves to fire education chief

Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar filed a case with the ‘supreme court’ in the north to have the head of higher education committee (Yodak) Turgay Avci fired, it emerged on Friday night.

Speaking to the Tak news agency, Tatar said that he had received complaints from people for not firing Avci, a former ‘education minister’, and added that according to the ‘law’ on higher education, Avci’s dismissal is possible only after an evaluation by the ‘court’.

“We could never intend to protect anyone,” he added.

Recalling that after recent developments regarding the Cyprus University of Health and Social Sciences in occupied Morphou, where there were some allegations about Avci, Tatar said he had assessed the issue with his lawyers upon his return to the north from Germany.

Meanwhile, Avci gave a statement to the police due to the allegations against him and was then taken to hospital in northern Nicosia due to pain in his hand.

Avci had been taken to court over the allegations at the end of February.

Police believe he fraudulently obtained a total of 926,286TL (€27,451) by “pretending to have sold goods and services to the university with 19 invoices belonging to six different companies.”