Patients’ safety top priority, says Health Minister

Patients’ safety is a top priority in the formulation of health-related policies, Health Minister Michalis Damianos said on Thursday.

Damianos was speaking following the introduction of a new international standard regarding the quality management of health services, and said the standard was developed “to fill important gaps in quality management in health services.”

He added that the new standard “provides an integrated quality management framework for health services, regardless of size, status, specialisation, and services,” and that it “ensures a high level of quality of services offered by healthcare providers.”

“The safety of patients is inextricably linked to the quality of service they receive,” he added.

He said healthcare professionals, and others involved in the field of healthcare, “are an important link in the chain of patient service.”

“It is necessary to be able to operate with defined procedures and quality standards, which ensure the quality of healthcare services offered,” he said.

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