UN Security Council renews Unficyp mandate (updated)

The UN Security Council on Tuesday adopted a resolution extending the UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus (Unficyp) mandate, which expires on Wednesday, for one more year.

The UN said that the force’s mandate is extended until January 31, 2025.

The resolution was adopted unanimously, as all 15 members of the council voted in favour.

This is the second time that the mandate has been renewed for a year rather than the previous six-monthly intervals.

Asked about the renewal of Unficyp’s mandate, President Nikos Christodoulides said that “I welcome the decision of the UNSC, the unanimous decision of the UNSC. I want to note in particular the reference to the form of the Cyprus settlement.” He also stressed that the resolution “reaffirms all relevant resolutions in relation to the form of the Cyprus settlement”.

“I would like to point out, the reference to the issue of the enclosed area of Varosha and the demand for the revocation of all actions that go beyond the framework of the relevant resolutions, as well as the clear reference to the actions of the Turkish occupying forces in Pyla”.

Continuing,  Christodoulides said that “I believe that the resolution has been adopted at a very important juncture”.

In their statement, the foreign minister welcomed the unanimous adoption of United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 2723, which renews the mandate of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (Unficyp) for another 12 months, until January 31, 2025.

The ministry went on to say that the security council is particularly concerned over the recurring trend of violations of the northern ceasefire line and the contestation of the status of the buffer zone by Turkish forces, and reiterates its condemnation of last August’s attacks in Pyla against peacekeepers, and calls for the implementation of the understanding reached on Pyla as an important confidence-building measure.

However, the north was critical about the renewal saying the Unficyp has failed to fulfil basic tasks.

“The peace force has failed to fulfil its basic tasks, such as treating both sides equally and finding a just solution to the disputes. Moreover, it has become the custodian of the status quo,” claims the ‘suprax’, which adds that “the main reason why the Peace Force has continued to operate within the TFG is the good faith cooperation of the authorities,” the north’s ‘foreign ministry’ said.

It also argued that “the imposition of a model that is unacceptable to the Turkish Cypriot people constitutes great disrespect. We would like to recall that we have authorized the appointment of a Personal Representative for six months to determine whether there is common ground for new negotiations. The only realistic solution on the island today is for the two existing states to develop good neighbourly relations on the basis of their sovereign equality and equal international status.”

In relation to the Pyla issue, the north stated that “the Turkish Cypriot side demands the implementation of the agreement reached with the Peace Force and the completion of the construction of the road as soon as possible”.