Road cameras two years on: road deaths fall

Two years after the introduction of cameras, data released by the police on Monday showed that while traffic violations have not sufficiently decreased, road deaths continue to fall.


According to the data, a remarkable 18 per cent reduction in road deaths were recorded in 2022 compared to the previous year, with a further decrease last year by three fatalities, dropping from 37 in 2022 to 34 in 2023 – the lowest number in statistical records.

In the first two years of camera operation, a total of 357,870 violations have been recorded, and 279,751 fines have been issued to date.

Of these, 233,572 have been paid, while 42,179 remain unpaid, indicating pending legal action.

The data also show that a significant number of incidents recorded by the cameras are pending resolution. This may involve identifying the vehicle owner, determining the driver for companies, correcting system errors, or dealing with exceptional circumstances.

A total of 124,298 incidents recorded by the system in 2022 and 2023 are awaiting resolution.

According to assistant traffic police director Haris Evripidou, while the numbers may seem high, there is a consistent decrease in complaints.

“From around 800 quarterly complaints per camera, we have received close to 200,” he told Philenews.

“This shows an improved driver compliance, which was the system’s goal.”

Euripidou added that the main challenge is identifying the real address of the offending driver. Any error in the registered information or a database entry can cause issues, leading to delays in sending fines to court. Challenges persist, especially with drivers who refuse to collect their fines from the post office.

According to traffic police data, a total of 191,105 fines were issued in 2023. The majority, 149,960, concerned speeding offences, followed by red light violations with 22,745, and traffic sign violations with 17,303.

Most fines issued in 2023 were in the Nicosia district, where most fixed and mobile cameras operated. Specifically, 81,432 fines were issued in Nicosia, 54,071 in Limassol, 30,099 in Larnaca, 6,341 in Famagusta, and 19,162 in Paphos.

On Monday, the traffic surveillance system in Paphos will be extended with the operation of 16 fixed cameras at five locations.