‘Innocent until proven guilty’: law commissioner defends alcotest scandal

Law Commissioner Louiza Christodoulidou Zannetou on Monday said everything written across social media and press reports over her alleged refusal of an alcotest was far from reality, though she apologized for the incident.

Though rumours were rife for days over who the state official was who initially tested positive in an alcotest and then refused a second one thus violating the law, the cat was out of the bag when Akel MP Irene Charalambides accused the law commissioner of double standards.

Images of Zannetou photoshopped drunk driving were making the rounds on social media with pundits spamming her X account with questions ranging from “what were you drinking when you were caught” and “which bar makes the best jägerbombs?”

Loudest of all however, were calls for her resignation, with many – including Charalambides – saying refusing an alcotest was an offence, and it was twice as bad if the person not adhering to the law was a state official – much less a law commissioner.

In her statement on Monday, Zannetou said “I was at a family dinner during my private time with my daughter who was with me during the whole process of police checks, beginning to end, following instructions for as long as it took.”

“I am sorry for the incident and I will handle the matter in the way the relevant law requires. Just like every citizen has the presumption of innocence, I believe this exists for me too.”

She stressed the way the matter had been reported “does not reflect the true events and the way they unfolded.”

The law commissioner specified that until the case is heard, she will not make any other statements.