Treasurer rejects proposal to cut multiple state officials’ pensions

The Treasurer of the Republic, Andreas Antoniades, has rejected the recommendation of the Auditor General to cut the multiple pensions of state officials.

Instead of implementing the proposed measure, Antoniades has sent a letter to the Attorney General, Giorgos Savvides, seeking his opinion on the positions articulated by the Auditor General.

In statements philenews, Antoniades expressed his respect for the Auditor General Auditor, emphasising that the current legal opinion at hand does not empower him to cease the payment of multiple pensions. He clarified that if the Attorney General’s new opinion aligns with the termination of pension payments, he will adhere to the guidance provided.

Responding to the Auditor’s concerns and the potential legal repercussions, Antoniades highlighted the risk of jeopardising public interest if he unilaterally terminated pension payments. Acknowledging the delicate balance between legal actions and administrative principles, he noted the need for careful consideration.

“Therefore, if as the Treasurer of the Republic, I terminated the payment of pensions, I would jeopardise the public interest in the sense that my action might lead beneficiaries to resort to the courts,” he added.

Antoniades pledged to forward the Auditor’s letter to the Auditor General, for further review. He reiterated his commitment to follow the content of the new opinion if it diverges from the existing legal stance.

In addressing the legal aspects of the matter, Antoniades pointed out that since the issuance of the Attorney General’s opinion in 2017, there has been no subsequent development or decision by the Supreme Court that would justify altering the current practice of the Treasury of the Republic.

He highlighted the need for a holistic and horizontal application of laws, rejecting selective implementation based on categories of public servants. He highlighted the recent judgment by the Supreme Court and the opinion of the Law Office, indicating that certain legislative articles are deemed unconstitutional, prompting their amendment.

Read more:

Audit Office urges halt to “unlawful payments” for state officials