Getting closer to the island’s past and present

Throughout the past year, the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation has been offering new experiences to visitors. The Aisthiseis multisensory programme is a series of workshops and events that invite museum-goers to interact with the exhibits and the space around them, giving new meanings to art, history and culture.

Going beyond a mere visit to the museum, these events aim to gather old, young, pregnant women, the elderly, story lovers, those with disabilities and just about anyone to experience the museum space differently and come closer to the island’s past and present.

With the beginning of a new year, a new season of workshops and events come to life as part of the Aisthiseis programme. First up is a clay and ceramics workshop for families on Thursday at 5pm. Led by ceramist Souzana Petri, the workshop is based on the history of ceramics in Cyprus starting from the creation of clay and the steps of its production.

Using their senses, participants will discover the material culture and archaeology of Cyprus using the museum’s exhibits and get their hands dirty with clay. The workshop takes place in Greek, and is free to attend.


On Saturday at 6pm, a storytelling workshop for adults who wish to be transformed through the therapeutic power of folk stories will take place. Facilitated by musician and narrator Elenitsa Georgiou, participants will be led through music, movement, storytelling and writing to the inspiring core of storytelling.

Next week a theatre and art therapy workshop will take place for which Lenia Georgiou and Natalia Panagiotou will join forces. Inviting women who wish to connect to themselves and their bodies, January 17’s workshop touches on dreams, sensations, memories and images and through movement, theatre exercises, storytelling and art games to unleash innermost desires.

Next up is a creative writing workshop with Stavros Lambrakis on January 22. This session will focus on the senses with the aim of reflecting and expressing them through the written word. Its exercises will begin with listening to music, smelling fragrances and observing artworks.

The final event of the month will be an exploration of the Museum of History of Cypriot Coinage for children. On January 28, young visitors will be led by educator Giorgos Christou and archaeologist Andrea Oratiou to discover ancient coins and get to know important historical figures.


Molding Stories with Clay

Clay workshop for families. Led by Souzana Petri. January 11. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia. 5pm. In Greek. Free. Tel: 22-128175

Folk Storytelling 2

Storytelling workshop with Elenitsa Georgiou. January 13. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia. 6pm. In Greek. Free. Tel: 22-128175


Theatre and art therapy workshop by Lenia Georgiou and Natalia Panagiotou. January 17. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia. 6pm. In Greek. Free. Tel: 22-128175

Travelling Narrators

Creative writing workshop with Stavros Lambrakis. January 22. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia. 7pm. In Greek. Free. Tel: 22-128175

Exploring the Museum of History of Cypriot Coinage

Guided tour of the Museum of History of Cypriot Coinage for children. January 28. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, Nicosia. 11am. In Greek. Free. Tel: 22-128175