All eyes on Disy as House debates 2024 budget

Monday saw the budget debate get underway in parliament, with the pro-government parties by and large endorsing the administration’s economic and social policies – but a question still hung over whether the budget bill would go through during the vote on Wednesday.

Monday was reserved for the speeches by the leaders of the seven parliamentary parties. Tuesday and Wednesday will see MPs deliver remarks on more specialised issues.

In his own speech, Edek leader Marinos Sizopoulos praised the government of Nikos Christodoulides, noting that in its first nine months it has delivered on a series of targeted policies – reinstating two-thirds of the Cost of Living Allowance, raising the lowest pensions by 5 per cent, subsidising electricity and fuel, and introducing zero VAT on essential items.

The Edek boss went on to say that during 2023 GDP grew by 2.5 per cent – one of the highest rates in the eurozone – while unemployment shrank to 6.4 per cent of the active labour force.

“Despite this,” he noted, “under no circumstances must we grow complacent. The mistakes of the past cannot be repeated.”

Marios Garoyian, head of the Dipa party – also part of the ruling coalition – said the economy has returned to a trajectory of stability under the stewardship of the Christodoulides government.

“The administration of president Christodoulides did not remain idle. It adopted a package of measures…so as to alleviate the hardship faced by a large section of the people, and without going beyond the state’s fiscal capabilities.”

For his part, Charalambos Theopemptou of the Greens dedicated his speech to energy and the environment.

He excoriated both the current and past administrations for not doing enough to switch to renewables, as a result of which Cypriots continue to be burdened with high energy costs.

“A family’s (in)ability to keep their house warm in winter and cool in summer, to have hot water in the bathroom, lighting, and a general insecurity in the use of energy, these are the main features of energy poverty,” said Theopemptou.

Based on Eurostat data, he added, Cyprus ranks the second worst in the EU in this area. Meanwhile around 17 per cent of the Cypriot population live under the poverty line.

The leaders of the Diko, Akel and Disy parties got 40 minutes for their remarks; the rest were allotted 30 minutes.

It remains to be seen whether the 2024 budget bill can muster enough votes to pass during Wednesday’s vote – though it looks like it will manage to scrape through.

Opposition Akel have said they will veto the bill. Meanwhile the stance of the Greens, Elam and Volt remains unclear.

The outcome will largely hinge on Disy, also an opposition party. Support from Disy – plus from the three coalition parties of Diko, Dipa and Edek – would ensure passage of the bill.

Given remarks by Disy MPs during discussion of the budget in committee, and the fact that their MPs have filed very few amendments, it appears the party will back the bill.