Morphou refugees convey determination to return to their homeland

The refugees of Turkish occupied Morphou, once more, conveyed their determination to reunite the island and return to their homeland.

The refugees gathered at Astromeritis, in Nicosia district, for the 41st anti-occupation march, where dignitaries such as President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades and President of the Hellenic Republic, Katerina Sakelaropoulou pledged to continue efforts for the reunification of Cyprus.

In her message which was read by Greece’s Ambassador in Nicosia, Ioannis Papameletiou, Sakelaropoulou said for Greece, ending the Turkish occupation, reunifying Cyprus and completely getting rid of all occupation troops and the anachronistic system of guarantees is a firm national priority.

She welcomed the peaceful efforts of the people of Morphou to return under Greek Cypriot administration in the framework of an overall solution that will be mutually acceptable. “For this reason, Greece as well as the Republic of Cyprus, firmly pursue the resumption of negotiations on the basis of the binding UN Security Council decisions and the unhindered implementation of the acquis Communautaire throughout the territory of Cyprus.

For Greece, she said, “ending the Turkish occupation, reuniting Cyprus and getting rid of the occupation troops and anachronistic system of guarantees, is a constant national quest and priority from which we will not allow ourselves to be disoriented by the Turkish provocation and increase of delinquency in Varosha, the Cyprus exclusive sea zones and the wider region Eastern Mediterranean region”.

In his message, Greek member of the Hellenic Parliament, Maximos Harakopoulos, who represented the Speaker, Constantine Tassoulas, expressed his sorrow because no progress has been achieved on the Cyprus issue. On the contrary, he added, with Turkey’s sole responsibility and despite President Nicos Anastasiades’ sincere efforts, an attempt is being made to overthrow all positive parameters agreed in the past upon which a mutually acceptable and viable solution could be achieved.

He referred to Greece’s efforts to create a powerful network of alliances with states from the wider region as well as the initiatives in which Cyprus participates in. He also said Greece is upgrading its defence capabilities with new aircraft and new state-of-the-art warships, enabling it to have a decisive presence throughout the Eastern Mediterranean.

Harakopoulos said it is it high time that Turkey understands that the blackmail tactics lead nowhere because no one will accept the fait accompli of the invasion, or a two-state solution or even a confederation allowing Ankara to control the Republic of Cyprus. The solution can only be based on the Security Council resolutions in the framework of a bizonal, bicommunal federation…”

Morphou Mayor, Victoras Hadziavraam said under no circumstances the people of Morphou will allow division. We will fight with all our being to persuade the powerful nations of the earth of the righteousness of our struggle, which aims to reunify the people and our country.

“We demand from the UN and the EU to exert pressure on the occupation force, Turkey, to come forward to negotiations with goodwill and find a solution that will be fair and viable”. If we don’t manage to persuade them of our righteousness, “then, unfortunately, we will be returning here every year and repeat ourselves and every year there will be fewer of us”.
With tears in his eyes, the Mayor said “we must finally return home and then die”.

Speeches were made by the Union of occupied communities of Nicosia and the Astromeritis community where they underlined that the Cyprus problem is an issue of invasion and occupation.

The people of Morphou marched to the Astromeritis checkpoint and handed a resolution to an UNFICYP representative.

In the resolution, the Morphou Municipality condemn once again the barbaric Turkish invasion of 1974. They note that Turkey completely scorns international law and continues to escalate its provocations with unacceptable actions that aim to serve its purpose to change the basis for a solution. At the same time, it is refusing to come forward to talks for a solution to the Cyprus problem.

The people of Morphou are calling for a resumption of the talks on the basis of the UNSG’s framework and urge the international community to take such action that will make turkey respect international law and the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus. At the same time, these actions should create the conditions for the resumption of talks that will lead to a viable and functional solution.

Cyprus has been divided since the 1974 Turkish invasion. Numerous rounds of talks under the UN aegis failed to yield results.