President sends message of unity across occupation line at Independence Day Parade


Turkish-Cypriots should also celebrate Independence day, President Anastasiades declared today, in a message across the dividing line following a military parade at the central Iosif Hadjiosif avenue in Nicosia, attended by the Greek National Defence Minister and the Head of the Hellenic Armed Forces.

‘We are celebrating the 61st anniversary of a state that resulted from the struggle against colonial yoke. Honour and glory to those who died defending the sovereignty and integrity of the Republic’, the President said, also referring to the 1974 Turkish invasion.

‘We’ve been through many trials and tribulations’, Anastasiades added, transforming from a poor country to a modern European state with state structure and international relations.

In a message to the Turkish-Cypriot community, the President of the Republic said that Turkish Cypriot citizens should also celebrate Independence Day in spite of the interventions and machinations of those that want to turn Cyprus into a Turkish protectorate and that have led, today, to tragic phenomena.

‘I would feel happier today if Turkish-Cypriots celebrated with us’ he stressed.

‘The Turkish-Cypriot community should not heed their will’, the President said, once again making clear that the National Guard is a purely defensive force.

He expressed the hope that before long, everyone can celebrate in a free Cyprus, away from Turkish plans.

The military parade displayed a range of National Guard armaments, including tanks, helicopters and new drones, with infantry, navy, air force and special forces units marching along the Hadjiosif avenue.

Greek National Defence Minister Nikos Panayiotopoulos said that Athens stands by the side of Cyprus. noting that this years’ celebration coincides with the 200th anniversary of the Greek revolution against Turkish rule.

Greece has been strengthening its military capability, purchasing six French rafale fighter jets and three frigates, while also signing a deal with France to defend its territory, if attacked by a third country.