Digitalisation of public schools underway

The Ministry of Education, Culture Sports and Youth and NewCytech Business Solutions signed today a contract amounting to 20 million euros for the provision of digital support services, paving the way for the transition toward digital public schools.

The contract was signed during a special ceremony at the Presidential Palace, in the presence of the Education Minister Prodromos Prodromou and of President Anastasiades who described the project “as one of the biggest and most important projects of digitization.”

Upon the project’s completion, students, teachers and parents will enjoy access to a series of digital services regarding the school through a computer, a smart phone or a tablet.

The project is co-funded by national resources and the European Fund of Regional Development.

“Our target is the establishment of a modern European country that will provide qualitative services and which will be able to respond directly and with flexibility to the increased needs of the citizens,” President Anastasiades said.