Organised patients up in arms over reduced or cut off De minimis aid

Organised patients in Cyprus are crying out for help following the government’s decision to either not provide at all or reduce substantially De minimis aid this year.

And as a result, kidney patients living in remote areas could lose their transport service to public hospital dialysis units, while, bedridden ones are at risk of losing much-needed home physiotherapy.

Also at risk are speech therapies and psychological support services provided to them for years, Philenews reported on Wednesday.

The Ministry of Health justified this decision saying that – at the time of evaluation of requests – some associations had money in their accounts which exceeded 40% of their expenses the previous year.

In some cases, the amount of aid was significantly reduced with absolutely no explanation.

De Minimis Aid is small amounts of State Aid given to an enterprise which cannot exceed €200,000 over any three fiscal years to any company irrespective of size or location.