Tapirs and kangaroos rescued from war-torn Kharkiv in Ukraine

A family of tapirs and several kangaroos have been rescued from Feldman Ecopark in war-torn Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Video released by the zoological park on Sunday (April 3) shows the tapirs – named Dalma, Pinto and Dolly – being transported to their new home in Kovalivka Ecopark, close to Poltava. On another rescue trip, several kangaroos were filmed as they were heading to their new home.

The park says the animals had to be evacuated because they were located very close to the war zone and have been under constant shelling and bombing from Russian military since the war began.

The Ecopark says it has been re-homing its animals after three staff members were killed by bombs and dozens others were wounded when they tried to feed the animals. In addition, almost 100 animals were killed, some while trying to escape, according to the park.
