Britain says Russian units forced to return to Belarus to re-organise

British military intelligence said on Wednesday that Russian units suffering heavy losses in Ukraine had been forced to return home and to neighbouring Belarus in an effort to re-organise and resupply.

“Such activity is placing further pressure on Russia’s already strained logistics and demonstrates the difficulties Russia is having re-organising its units in forward areas within Ukraine,” Britain’s defence ministry said.

Russia is likely to continue to compensate for its reduced ground manoeuvre capability through mass artillery and missile strikes, the ministry added.

At the same time, Russian forces were shelling nearly all cities along the frontline separating Ukrainian government-controlled territory from areas held by Russian-backed separatists in the eastern Donetsk region.

This is what the regional Donetsk governor said on national television on Wednesday, adding that the situation could worsen as Russian forces concentrated their efforts to attack the Donetsk region.